Félicien Gonneaud
Joined about one year ago
in EVE Online
An arena where we don't lose ours ships (and we don't get rewards or just not important rewards as skins or Idk) as a simulation of a fight It could help the new players how to pvp and it could be funny
In a fleet the FC is your god and the scout is His Saint.
Guides website about the MMORPG EVE Online. Including the Ultimate Citadel Guide and the EVE Online Career Tree!
Created by the famous Altrue, we recommand to the newbros to look at this site in the french community even if it's old. (espacially the carreer tree)
Stage 3... It's final liminality . New transmission We are Zorya Triglav... From the Convocation of Triglav outside the Struggle... Prove the Direction of your Flow and join the Flow of Vyraj... The Clade of Sobornost Kybernauts.... End of transmission. Intresting huh ?
OK, What the shares are used for and how to obtain them ?
If you hold Q and then left click 2 times(first time for X, Y axes and second time for Z) somewhere around your ship you'll define a point that your ship will go very useful for manual kiting in pvp. And if you want to go in a direction without a range you can double click somewhere in space.
When you are in a fight and you want to track an enemy : C + left click.