


Joined seven months ago



Tell us why you play Elite Dangerous!

in Elite Dangerous

90 rewards remaining

Why do I play Elite?

Good question and long answer.

First of all, I love science fiction, I've always loved playing sci-fi games and reading books about it.

As games I would probably have to name Homeworld, Freespace 1 & 2, Mass Effect and Dead Space, there are so many but these were always special to me too.

There are also countless books, but The Lost Fleet dominates here.

Elite combines all of these!

If you find encrypted messages, you can come across dark secrets and sometimes it's very scary, which reminds me a bit of Dead Space.

In the fight against Thargoids you join forces with so many player factions to fight a common enemy and/or save civilians, almost like in Freespace.

Just to make a few small comparisons.

But in the end you are your own “Lost Fleet” and have to find or create your own home and that's what fascinates me the most!

Find a squadron and/or people you like to play with and explore the endless expanses and possibilities of Elite.

I came across Elite at some point, played a bit for myself and didn't get very far.

Later, the game lured me back in and I played it again for a while, which is definitely several hundred hours.

But I really fell in love with Elite shortly before Odyssey.

I met a streamer and his squadron, which I joined on 01.06.2021.

I knew so little about Elite at the beginning.

Thanks to the squadron and the many players I got to know over the years, my interest in Elite grew and I fell more and more in love with the game.

I became enthusiastic about the BGS and, as the most important key event, I met Esme Wyrd!

We have managed the BGS department of the squadron together for years and have celebrated many successes together!
Together we explored abandoned settlements and their history ...

... have set off together to explore the galaxy ...

... have visited the Guardian ruins and recovered some technology ...

... together wrote German language guides for BGS, Guardians-Ruinen and On-Foot Mats for the site https://cia-gaming.de ...

... and now founded our own little squadron together with two other friends!

All the people I was able to get to know and the successes and defeats we shared. All the great things we've experienced together and the friendships that have developed are the reason why I play Elite and why I want to keep playing!

There is still so much to discover and so many things I haven't done yet, all together with friends or alone, it's just fun and it never ends!

Here's to another year and many exciting stories and achievements, especially with the upcoming Trailblazer update.


Show us your Commander profiles and highlight your greatest achievement!

in Elite Dangerous


Inara Profil CMDR. Rac

  • Your in-game speciality: BGS - which includes pretty much all ingame activities but in my Heart im an Explorer

  • Your career highlight or greatest achievement: Not really great things ... but now founding a squadron together with friends