Kukulkan: carried by the wind
The movement slowdown due to kukulkan's basic attack is reduced by 5% for 6 seconds when an ability is used. (5 stack max)
Movement slowdown only affects kukulkan up to 50% of the original value of this slowdown.
Using an ability grant 10% attack speed for 4 seconds. (3 stack max).
Kukulkan's ability only recieve 50% of penetration that they are supposed to recieve.
Kukulkan's ability damage are reduced by 15%.
With the new system of strenght and intelligence, mage and guardians (has they were called in smite 1) can use their basic attack in a brand new way. Here, kukulkan would be the first mage in smite 2 to be able to base is gameplay around is basic attack.
Nu Wa: blessing from heaven
Mysterious fog now do 50% less damage
Mysterious fod grants 1% reduced damage every 0,2 second to allies when they are in the fog. last 4 seconds when exiting the fog. (20 stack max)
Fire shard deals 20% less damage.
Fire shard new effect: when casting fire shard, healing shard also appears and heal each teammates. healing shard heals double to the amount of damage done by fire shard.
Nu Wa will be, with this new aspect, more of a support character, using her ability to keep all of her teammates alive, if used in the right way.