September has definitely been one of the more tumultuous months. The big news being the that of the Thargoids sneaking past our defenses and attacking our favorite Jameson memorial. Whilst I applaud AXI and the like who have been courageously spear heading the efforts on the front lines, my heart goes out to the "younger" commanders that threw themselves at the defense of Shinrarta - something closer and more attainable - ill equipped but with boundless courage. During a chaotic battle with a Thargoid Hydra, I witnessed a wing consisting of an Eagle and a Cobra, swoop in and unload their arsenals. Granted their retreat was swift but went to show that humanity is all hands on deck.
While most Pilots are fighting the Alien threats, it would seem the corporations are fighting amongst themselves once again. Sirius' nose is somewhat out of joint at the success of Achilles with the launch of the SCO Drives. Let's see where this leads... Hopefully Li Yong-Rui doesn't get up to any tricks.
Speaking of Leadership, Felicia Winters has said she will be stepping back with regard to recovery operations of her home world, so perhaps we will finally see an inauguration next month. Although I suspect there may be more turmoil in her future...
There is much anticipation about the new Mandalay launching next month, with Zorgon Peterson just recently releasing some amazing footage of development. Who of you are looking at purchasing one and for what role?
Players have seen an increase in PVP activity, more so in Shinrarta. Known to be a hunting ground for the pesky bunch, Shinrarta system coms have been bustling with maydays and calls for help. One wonders if they are Thargoid sympathizers or merely opportunistic, alas, these are threats that exist so be weary.
Great News! In an attempt to balance their stocks after launching the Python MKII, Faulcon deLacy, is handing out the Python MKI's to any Pilots that may need one. These can be collected at Hutton Orbital for 0cr.