Footies from Warcraft but Smited up a notch!!
4 teams of 3(maybe 4) each with a ‘base’ in their corner. Protected by 3 semi overlapping towers as the first line of defense, then some stores/shops/barracks that are targetable. Then 2 slightly overlapped phenixes before the titan is vulnerable.
any destroyed structure can be ‘rebuilt’ faster by either spending team gold or having gods sit and actively repair
Basic minion waves get sent every 30 seconds to the team to your left and right(until one is defeated and then the minions go to the other team). But teams can spend their gold in the ‘barracks’ to summon/upgrade stronger minions ranging from basic camp monsters to more expensive late game minions like pyromancer/gold fury. Depending on the level of the barracks is how many minions you can store up before they have to get sent out or you just can’t produce any more. Players can choose which direction to send the ‘Barack’s’ bought minions or to store them for defense
towers, pheniox and base can all be upgraded with buffs so players can play more tanky comps. Would love to see an alternate timeline on a tower/phenolic or an O bow proc every other shot. Maybe a AoE poison/burn effect for any enemies in your base.
Strong side camps to contest, maybe some simple jungle routes on the outer edges of the map. In the center of the map is an ‘exotic store’ where you can purchase powerful artifacts/upgrades. Late game it turns into an expensive pack a punch like machine that each god can use once on one of their items to make them even more godly.
Varying(type of buff provided) King of the hill spots pop up everyone few minutes(early game would have 3 pop up at once and eventually go down to 2 and then 1), your team has to control it with no contest for X amount of seconds to ‘capture’ giving your team a micro buff. Capturing the same type of hill levels up that type of buff so your team can decide which hills are worth fighting for. Hill type examples could be HP5, MP5, defense, movement, attack….
After a team is knocked out weak zombie minions continue to spawn from their base getting continually stronger until the game is over
last team standing wins
You’re welcome hi rez