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HOT-AS-heck! Recommend great peripherals for Elite Dangerous!

in Elite Dangerous


Logitech - X52 H.O.T.A.S.

This was the best affordable option for me when ED was released.

This is a mid range cost as there are suitable products that are cheaper and also much higher tier products for those without a budget cap. I have used mine without any issues for years and it has never let me down.

I also highly recommend playing in VR, the immersion and 3D cockpit just blew me away the first time I stepped into game (Oculus DK2) the graphics were always a bit grainy due to screendoor effect due to pixels, thankfully I now use the Meta Quest 3 with cable to PC and the pancake lens are a million times better so you don't even notice any pixels, the only danger is once you have played in VR it's much harder to go back to flatscreen (unless you have a crazy huge curved/multimonitor setup)


and again, there are more expensive VR headsets with amazing resolutions/FOV if your budget allows, I'm more than happy with the Quest3 for the price.