Joined six months ago
in SMITE 2
The amount people afking, leaving the game, trolling with no punishment or at least not a good enough punishment really ruin the game right now unless you're in elite queue, but it's unplayable below that.
My buddy loves Fafnir will you guys be adding him very late since I know other people don't care for him.Also wondering when tsukuyomi is at on the list for myself.
in Music
A lot of these songs I've listened to and enjoyed since I was a kid, my dad had a lot of influence on what music I liked growing up. I listen to other genres but this one is mostly just rock.
dont really use social media to post the clip to but still wanna share it. Im the thanatos yelling penta, my buddy body blocked me as ymir while my other buddy stole the penta.
Watch "Smite Clip " on Streamable.
in Film & TV
Chowder was one of my favorite shows when I was little, it has a lot of adult jokes in it even though the show seems innocent on the outside. The are women always this emotionally draining one in the clip is a pretty good one, at about 2:30.It was hard to pick between this and Ed Edd & Eddy.
The buffs and nerfs were a bit better after they changed the patch notes from what they were originally. Nu Wa and Amaterasu both extremely broken and the Queens of the new patch unless these new hotfix nerfs tone them down enough.Tanks got better, everything else got worse.Crit nerfs were good because marksmen were just beating everything else.Tower buffs were needed.The patch could've done more after 3 weeks I think but it was alright, the hotfix made me feel better about it.The best parts of the patch imo were fixing the bugs, and fixing settings not staying saved every time you get off.
Hecate is a midlane mage. She has teleports and utility for her team to set up big plays.Abilities:Her passive lets her interact with turrets to regen health and mana for her and her team.It also increases the damage of her and her teammates if she interacts with them after they kill an enemy. 1. She has 2 different abilities on her 1, the first one, power form deals damage in mark the enemy to also take extra damage from your teammates, the second one does damage and mesmerizes the enemy, which is basically a stun.2. It creates a circle in the air that does more damage based on how many abilities were used by gods nearby, then you can send it crashing down on top of them.
She can give her teammate a shield that absorbs magic damage, she can also use it on herself, it grants movement speed and does damage around it.
Her ult is her big playmaker ability, it makes 2 giant circles that if you are caught inside one when it goes off it will send you to the opposite circle and does damage to enemies. You can grab entire teams and pull them into your turrets to make them easy kills for your team.She's very strong being the strongest mage in the game until now Nu Wa is the new best midlaner. You can combo things together like pulling the entire enemy team with your ult then mesmerizing them to set up your team and also dropping your 2 on their heads.
She just builds full damage items like any normal mage, she doesn't really have any special build differences. Playstyle:
She sits at the back of the team and tries to use her ult to pull in a couple of enemies and nuke them with her team, or she can use her ult to teleport herself away to escape. She pokes at the enemies with her basic abilities and tries to fish for big plays with her ult.
She also empowers her teammates and sets them up for success with her teleports and shields, or stat increases.She is squishy so you need to watch where you're positioned and always play on the edge of danger balancing between being close enough to help and far enough away to not die.This should be enough to get you started on her, she is fairly simple to play and her abilities work together intuitively.
in Minecraft
They will probably enter a desert temple and end up having the escape the explosions when they step on the pressure plate.
I've been playing a lot of Morded jungle.
I personally build him full dmg and abuse all of the dmg stacking items and then stack penetration.If you go damage like me you need to play like an assassin and looks for ults on the enemy backline after the fight starts, you don't want to engage fights with Mordred you want to come in after the fight has already started.You sit on the side like a vulture and come through a wall on their flank after the fight begins and blow up their carries.Abilities TLDR:1: He does 2 slashes that do damage and can heal you if you use it in your auto attack chain if your next auto is 2 or 3 in your chain.2: Gives you movement speed, attack speed, and makes you steal protections when you auto enemies. It also does damage around you when you activate it.3: It throws a projectile in a line that bleeds for more dmg the further they travel. It also slows so you can use your 3 and 2 together to speed yourself up and slow the enemy down to chase them.4: you have a meter that fills up from damaging things, your 40 rage ult roots in rectangle in front of you and gives you a shield plus heals you for each enemy god hit. Your 40 rage ult is good and shouldn't be underestimated. If you fill your rage to 80 you can travel through walls as a dash which you have to predict where the enemy will move a bit so you can follow them, it's easy to miss but sets up a kill for your team and if you build what i recommend it will do 80% of their health if they're squishy.His passive: Its a dash that knocks up, you use it to cancel channeled abilities or chase/ run away. For example, Bellona when she uses her hammer and goes in the air you can cancel her ability, that makes Mordred vs Bellona in the solo lane a good matchup for Mordred.Mordred can also be played tank in the solo lane but that's not my preferred playstyle.In the early game you should be stacking up your ult and getting your rage filled to use your ult to gank lanes as much as possible so you can snowball and get early kills.If you follow my build you can also make a comeback in late game by 1 shotting the strongest enemy squishy with your ult.
The Meta.ADC meta is Jing Wei and Sol, they are better than everyone else.Tanks: Bacchus is the best character in the game is banned every ranked game, Ymir is also picked every game, Fenrir is very good as a tank in solo lane, Chaac is alright compared to the others.Midlane: Hecate is the strongest, Then Kuku and Neith. Zeus and Anubis are weak.JG: Susano is banned every game and is the best jungler, then Loki>Fenrir>Thanatos>MordredInvading is strong and marksmen are the best class in the game right now because crit is op and they are hard to kill with their lifesteal.