As members of The Fatherhood Wing, we know that life comes first. Me and two other pilots, Jammin411 and Crush3r, had limited time to fly together on Friday afternoon. I had to pick up my little pilots from school, and Jammin had a work call to take at 3, so they were already at the Titan when I logged in around 3:30.
We got a couple of good runs in before Jammin ran out of ammo and had to bail for his call. Then one of Crush3r's co-pawlets made a mess in the cockpit that he had to deal with (he could smell the mess in VR).
So I made 3 to 4 more solo Titan runs before I ran two of my AX missile racks dry. Escaped with just over 50% hull, and about 14 mil in bonds.
Pardon the video clipping; I fly in VR, and my computer records the UW screen mirror.