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Make a tier list of the hardest bosses or enemies in any game!

in Video Games


To start off this list are the bosses/stages that make the game "Hard/Unfair" I played them all and was able to finish a few, the ones that are in the S category I couldn't, the rest I was able to finish but I suffered in the process. That being said I'm going to start from category D to S. Starting from left to right, with the one closest to the left being the hardest. I'll say the name of the boss and the elements that make it difficult.

D: DAIMON (Dragon Dogma) second phase. This boss is the concept of an annoying boss because of his absurd amount of health and the ability to fly. The joke of this boss was that I took the Warrior class and the only way I could kill him effectively was by jumping and attacking. I don't think I'll play this boss again,

C: GNOME (Everhood) The hard thing about this boss is the lack of lights and screen changes that it has. Epileptics can't play the game because of this, which makes it unenjoyable, and it also has an achievement, which is to do it without taking damage. Good luck!

C: SAMURAI (Savant - Ascent REMIX) What makes it difficult is the surprise of the combat and the speed it has, considering that you have 3 lives and you come from the beginning of the game, well, maybe if you want to do everything at once, you will suffer like me. I recommend that you simply enjoy it and not do it all at once.

C: KIRIM (monster hunter world) I could put another boss, but based on my experience, I can tell you that this thing will destroy you more than once, especially until you grind it enough, you won't be able to "win easily" and even more so when a lightning bolt sends you to sleep. This is contradicted if you go with friends.

C: RABBIT (Nier Automata) this boss has the same thing as Daimon but the difference is that I can do more things than just jump and hit, that's why he's in C.

B: TERRA ARMOUR (Kindom Hearts 2) I hate this guy with all my being, possibly one of the most bad-tempered hidden bosses you can face. He has a lot of life, a lot of resistance and on top of that he can take your Options List and turn it into a draw while he hits you, he's definitely a game breaker.

B: SHAO KAHN (Mortal Kombat 9) there's no need to say words for this guy, but for those who don't know him, he does a lot of damage, he has a lot of life and he laughs at you, also, if you play in campaign mode you have to play him with Raiden! Good luck! :) <3

B: CONTESA (darkest dungeon) The fact that I could say that all the DLC of this game is unfair, I could count it as a separate boss, I'm going to say that this being is the most difficult in the game without a doubt, getting to her is difficult and killing her is a little easier but what surrounds the boss makes it unfair.

A: STORM OF SKULLS (Inscryption) This is the first "boss" that is not a boss as such, there are 4 but the unfair thing about this game is the RNG of the cards, it's just pure luck.

A: MALENIA (Elden Ring) It's Malenia and she'll kill you as many times as you want and however she wants, plus she heals with each hit (Thanks Miyazaki, 12H of attempts in a row, I hate you)

A: ORNSTEIN AND SMOUGH: When I got to Anor Londo, it goes without saying that everything I had faced up to that date was 1vs1, needless to say that 2 vs 1 is unfair and it was the first boss that gave me a Tick in the eye.

To finish the S category, these 2 games I can't finish the final boss either because of time and dedication or because of a factor outside of me.

S: IKARUGA (Chapter 5) Yes. The amount of time it takes to perfect your skill and the pace of play are incredible. It's definitely the hardest game I've ever played.

S: The Last Stand (Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution) is a 3-player mode where you must coordinate your way through wave 20 on either of two maps. Reaching wave 20 is an achievement, but completing it is impossible if you don't know how to coordinate properly.