3 tips:
Think of your video title before you even write a script or record a word.
Build that title into a well crafted intro that will give the overall full intention of the video.
The goal is audience retention at costs (get rid of unnecessary parts of your videos)
Tip 1 helped me immensely and that is coming up with the title of the video before any of the video script or recording is done.
This isn't always applicable like gameplay videos might come from something funny that happened in the game but for by style of videos, which are video game theories, I would think of the subject and think of a hot title that I know would be intriguing and alluring and then incorporate that title and statement in the video and build around it. That title would give the video focus right form the get go rather than discovering along the way which can sometimes cause videos to get too far off track which can cause viewers to click off.
Example: one of my best videos "Ragnarok is not the end of the norse saga" I knew that I wanted to discuss a theory on this topic and I knew that that line was something that when read or spoken invokes a lot of feelings for fans of the god of war franchise. it gave me focus so when I started writing I knew where I was heading with every paragraph.
Leading into tip number 2, from the title I am able to craft a great intro with that line as the meaty hook within the first 15-25 seconds of the video so I can ensurer I have thew viewers attention and then build out the story of the video from there.
A great title and intro to start off with is a really good way of giving your video/scripts direction and focus which then leads to the big benefit of helping with audience retention during the spot in video where most people drop off, the intro. Because a very very large number of people drop out of a video if they don't hear something confirming why they clicked on the video in the first place. Even if it would be confirmed later. In the day and age of clickbait you have to prove you are not those people right away or viewers won't hear you out at all.
A little more on the final point of audience retention, that is the golden statistic that if you can master, your videos will soar. The higher average watch time you have for your videos the more the YouTube algorithm will reward you by pushing your content to others and the more views you will get, the more discussion you will get and so on, so keep your videos interesting and to the point, don't make videos longer for the sake of being longer but rather try to keep people on the video for as long as possible.
Example: I have gotten rid of end cards because it's video 99.9999% people don't care about and if they click off 20 seconds before the actual video ends and your video is 5 minutes long that is already dropping your audience retention average from a possible 100% to 94% MAX and then it only goes down from there.
Hope this helps you guys the way it helped me!