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Review SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


SMITE 2 Review – Definitely Worth the Hype

If you’ve played the original SMITE, then you already know it’s one of those games that just feels different compared to other MOBAs. With SMITE 2, the game takes everything we love and makes it even better, but with a few fresh changes that really make it stand out.

Gameplay Changes

Firstly , i wanna talk about Aspects. This new system is one of the best new additions in SMITE 2. It lets you modify a god’s abilities to make them play differently. So instead of just having the standard kit, you can customize things and try new strategies. Some Aspects make a god more aggressive, while others focus on utility or crowd control. If you’re the type who loves experimenting with different play styles (like me), you’ll definitely like this.

Gameplay overall feels faster. You’ve got more ways to move around the map and escape tight situations, and team fights feel way more dynamic. You can pull off some really crazy combos now, and the pacing feels way smoother.

Graphics and UI

Okay, SMITE 2 looks wayyy better. The gods look even more detailed, and the maps have this fresh, updated look that just makes everything pop. The visual improvements are definitely noticeable, and it’s cool to see the art style evolve from smite 1 to smite 2.

The UI also got a nice revamp. It took me a bit to get used to the new item shop, But its definitely better then the old one. Everything’s easier to find, and it just feels more user-friendly overall. If you’re new to the game, or just switching back after a while, you won’t spend ages trying to figure out where everything is.

New Aspects and Strategies

At first i didn't really like the idea of aspects. But as someone who’s always loved messing with builds, it feels like SMITE 2 gives you way more freedom to play gods in new and interesting ways. One moment you’re focusing on raw damage, and the next, you’re supporting your team with insane crowd control. There’s definitely a lot to try out, and it makes every match feel a little different. An aspect really changes the way u play a god, which makes it way more interesting.

That said, the learning curve is a bit steeper now. It’s not impossible to get into, but you’ll need to pay attention to all the new mechanics, especially the Aspects. It can be a little overwhelming at first, but once you start figuring it out, the rewards are so worth it.

The Community and Balance

I’d say they’re doing a pretty solid job, though some gods and aspects still feel a little OP, and there are occasional bugs, but hey, it’s a live game. They’re quick to push out updates and fixes, so it’s not a huge deal. They have really frequent hot fixes and patches

Final Thoughts

All in all, SMITE 2 is a major step up from the first game. The Aspects system adds a ton of customization, the game looks gorgeous, and the faster gameplay makes matches feel way more intense. If you’re a fan of SMITE or just looking for a MOBA that’s a little different from the usual, you should definitely give this a try. It’s got a ton of potential, Overall its just a better version of the prequel, its still got a long way to go but it is definitely worth it.

Rating: 8.3/10


Design a kit for a god that has never been seen in SMITE before!

in SMITE 2

40 rewards remaining

I've always been a fan of Norse mythology, so I decided to design a kit based on the legendary wolves Sköll and Hati. In myth, they are destined to chase the sun and moon across the sky, and I wanted to capture that eternal pursuit in their gameplay.

I designed them as a stance-switching assassin, allowing players to shift between Sköll, the aggressor, and Hati, the hunter. Their kit is built around momentum, pressure, and adaptability, This god should feel rewarding when played right

Sköll & Hati – The Eternal Pursuit

Class: Assassin
Pantheon: Norse
Type: Melee, Physical, Strength + Intelligence
Difficulty: Hard
Stance-Switching: Sköll (Aggression) & Hati (Hunt)

Passive – Endless Pursuit

Effect: Sköll & Hati thrive in combat, becoming stronger the longer they stay engaged.

Each time they hit an enemy god with a basic attack or ability, they gain a stack of “Pursuit” (Max 5 stacks, lasts 6s).

Stacks grant different bonuses depending on stance:
Sköll (Aggression Stance): +3% attack speed and +2% bonus damage per stack.

Hati (Hunt Stance): +3% movement speed and +2% lifesteal per stack.

At max stacks, Sköll & Hati enter a Frenzied state for 3s:

Sköll: Basic attacks cleave in a small area.

Hati: Gains 30% slow immunity and 10% bonus healing from all sources.

Leaving combat for 3s removes all stacks.

Ability 1 – Solar Pounce (Sköll) / Lunar Ambush (Hati)

Sköll: Solar Pounce – Sköll lunges forward, dealing damage in a small AoE and applying a Burn (2s). If he hits an enemy god, reduce this ability’s cooldown by 2 seconds.

Hati: Lunar Ambush – Hati becomes untargetable and dashes through enemies, applying a Slow (20%, 1.5s) and gaining bonus movement speed for 3 seconds.

Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+75% Strength)
Cooldown: 12s
Burn: 3/6/9/12/15 (+10% Intelligence) per tick

Ability 2 – Savage Bite (Sköll) / Devouring Maw (Hati)

Sköll: Savage Bite – Sköll lunges at a single target, dealing heavy damage and applying a Cripple (1.5s). If the target is below 40% HP, this ability deals bonus execution damage.

Hati: Devouring Maw – Hati’s next basic attack becomes empowered, dealing AoE damage and healing for a portion of the damage dealt.

Damage: 90/140/190/240/290 (+80% Strength)
Bonus Execution Damage: 10/15/20/25/30% missing health
Healing (Hati): 25/35/45/55/65% of damage dealt
Cooldown: 14s

Ability 3 – Twin Eclipse (Stance Switch)

Sköll: Switches to Hati – Gains a brief burst of movement speed and cleanses slows.

Hati: Switches to Sköll – His next basic attack within 3 seconds deals bonus damage and shreds protections.

Movement Speed Boost (Sköll to Hati): 20/25/30/35/40% (2s)
Bonus Damage (Hati to Sköll): 40/60/80/100/120 (+20% Intelligence)
Protections Shred: 5/7/10/12/15% (3s)
Cooldown: 8s

Ultimate – Ragnarok’s Maw

Effect: Sköll & Hati combine their powers for a devastating attack.

Sköll: Calls upon the Sun, causing a fiery explosion in a large area that deals high burst damage and applies a Blinded effect (reducing enemy vision radius for 2.5s).

Hati: Calls upon the Moon, casting an ethereal shadow that fears enemies outward and steals physical power for 5 seconds.

Damage: 250/350/450/550/650 (+45% Intelligence and Strength)
Blind Duration: 2.5s
Fear Duration: 1.5s
Power Steal: 15/20/25/30/35 (5s)
Cooldown: 90s
Hope u liked it!


Tell us what the best aspects are in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

40 rewards remaining

This is my tierlist about the current aspects in smite 2,

I based this tierlist on my experiences in ranked and various streamers i have watched over the last weeks.
Im gonna quickly go over and explain my thought process about 1 aspects in every tier.

Godlike: i put Mordred in godlike because of the insane amount of pressure that god brings to the solo lane with the aspect. its a great tool for outboxing most if not all enemy solo laners.

A Tier: i put Nemesis her aspect in A tier because of her ability to turn a fight to her completely in her favor, her ult is already a strong tool to lock down a god and shred them down. but with her amazing aspect she will now also equalize her hp with the god she targets. this makes her really strong in 1v1s.

B Tier: Ra is already a really solid god, from my experience hes has mostly been played in solo.
This is partly because of his aspect which makes him really viable. one of the problems Ra had was missing the ult, this isnt a problem anymore with this new aspect! because the aspect now allows u to aim the ult.

C Tier: Cernunnos, his aspect is probably the most interesting aspect im gonna talk about.
It completely changes the way Cernunnos plays the game, Cernunnos has always a god that has been played in duolane as an adc. with this aspect Cernunnos his auto attacks arent ranged anymore but become melee. this is mainly to boost his performance in the jungle. it can be a strong new way to play him but i personally havent seen much people pick the aspect, this is probably because its quite hard to stick to enemies without his long ranged auto attacks. But i would really recommend anyone trying a game with the Cernunnos aspect in the jungle.

D Tier: Loki, As a loki main ive tried this aspect a couple times but its really hard to make use of in games. i like the idea where u can stealth ur enemies. but it honestly doesnt really work in practice.