Maybe this story is not about one specific item, rather its about an item type that became special in my journey through Eve Online.
I started playing Eve Online in 2022. After flying scan for a bit, I decided to become a trader.
Not really understanding how trading works in the game, I looked at prices on the EveMarket website and looked for where I could buy cheap and sell expensive, right away, without using orders(I didn't know that these items were sold and bought by NPCs). And then I saw that in the Domain region (Amarr space) you can buy Slaves and sell them in Jita with a 50% profit! This was the most profitable thing I've seen so far! I was aware of the camps in lowsec, but I didn't want to fly 45 jumps from Amarr to Jita. And then I was suddenly lucky to find a wh from Domain to the system in 3 jumps from Jita! Taking Tayra, I fly to Amarr. I buy slaves for all 20kk isk I have. I fly to the wormhole. I go out to highsec. I warp to the gate with autojump. And then suddenly I get a notification that I'm being fined. I go through the gate, and I'm fined again! and they take all my cargo, because Slaves are illegal in Gallente(where the exit from the wormhole happened to be). Shocked and with negative 40kk isk on my wallet(I never knew it can go below zero), I created a new account to play and a new character with the second name KLEEN, which Is my main char to this day, and which reminds me of this unusual item