FF7 - Demon's Gate. There is a save point going into the fight. If you don't know what you're walking into, you save without a thought, because why would it be a problem? I'll tell you why. This boss fight is very, very hard (impossible?) if you're under-leveled at this part of the game. So what's the issue with the save point? Well, if you're not a high enough level, and you die, you go back to that save point going into the fight...to fight the same boss that you can't beat. There is no, "Oh, I guess I should go grind and level up, or get better equipment." No, you're stuck there. I fought SO many times before finally admitting to myself that I was going to have to start my entire game over. You'd better believe I was ready for the fight the second time around, and still saved on a different slot just in case.