He / Him
Joined five days ago
I'm TheNakedRaider, or Raider for short. I'm a Scottish Elite Dangerous and MtG streamer who also enjoys playing story heavy, indie, puzzle, strategy, and VR games.
in Elite Dangerous
90 rewards remaining
Why do I play Elite Dangerous? I guess it all goes back to my childhood. I was fascinated by the night sky, stars, constellations. I recall my mum buying me a book about astronomy and sitting for hours mesmerised by the photos of all the different stellar discoveries. This is where it started for me.
I dreamed of one day being an astronaut. We dream big as children. Although I didn’t become one in real life I got to explore a recreation of our galaxy in Elite Dangerous. I first played the game on console about a decade ago and was immediately hooked. I spent hours flying around in my ship with a smile on my face.
In later years now that I play on PC Elite Dangerous has become a social hub for me. The majority of my friends play Elite and we regularly spend hours in game chatting to each other and helping each other out with projects. The sense of community in this game is rivalled by no other.
I also play Elite Dangerous with my future wife and we spend many hours exploring the galaxy together.
Thanks OrangePheonix for the question, answering this brought back many fond memories and made me smile. See you and warbucks again soon!