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Design an aspect for any SMITE 2 god that doesn't have one yet!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

Jing Wei aspects:

Aspect of Ambition:

This is an augment to Jing Wei's passive. Upon respawn, or initial spawn, Jing Wei can choose any structure or jungle boss as a target. she gains additional movement speed while traveling towards her target, and addition damage when attacking it, Jing Wei cannot change her target until it is destroyed and gains lower damage to all other structures and jungle bosses.

This aspect highlights the cautionary message of her legend, warning of becoming too obsessive with a task. This augment seeks to change jing wei from a bursty pvp play style to a more objective focused playstyle.

Aspect of Pebbles:

This is an Augment to her second ability, removing the increased damage and crit chance, and adding a passive that sets her first attack against an enemy god, jungle monster, or structure to deal 10% of her normal damage, but increases exponentially with each subsequent attack.

This aspect would mirror her legend, and provide a significant change in gameplay, moving away from a bursty, pvp focused playstyle, to a more objective focused playstyle. Jing would still retain danger in a pvp scenario, as with a protective team, jing wei can quickly become dangerous if she is allowed to persist.

Aspect of Perseverance:
This is an augment to Jing's passive ability, Rapid Rebirth. After a death, when Jing Wei leaves the fountain, her passive instead grants her a stacking bonus which grants her bonus strength and movement speed, gaining one stack per sequential death, stacks are lost on a kill.

This is inspired by Jing's legend, where she faces an impossible task and continues despite the odds. The gameplay of this augment would be to negate snowballing effects felt by being killed repeatedly by higher level opponents, and reward Jing Wei if she seeks to continue pushing her lane and farming, sticking to her goal. This augment would change jing wei from her current playstyle by adding a slight discouragement to early game ganking, in favor of maintaining increased lane pressure via the additional power and movement speed. The additional speed would also allow her to more effectively rotate through camps, adding to the theme of 'little by little' from her legend.

Aspect of Very Large 'Pebbles':

This aspect changes jing wei's ultimate ability, instead of firing three bombs in a line, jing wei instead fires three bombs at targeted gods. After ascending, Jing Wei dashes a short distance, with her ability targeter snapping to the god nearest to the crosshair. she can cast this up to three times before choosing a landing spot. These bombs deal less damage than her vanilla ult but also provide a slow. The area is about the same as her persistent gust, allowing multi hits when used in conjunction with grouping abilities, or poor enemy positioning.

This ability isn't necessarily inspired by her legend but is more of a fun gameplay change.
It will also encourage the use of her ult for team fights as opposed to as a panic ult, escape button, alleviating some qualms regarding her playstyle by detractors.

Aspect of Drive-bys:

This is an Aspect that changes Jing Wei's third ability, agility. Instead of providing a buff to her stats upon landing, Jing Wei can now fire a single further enhanced basic attack while dashing that does not consume a charge of her 2. When activated while knocked up, this is an area attack instead of a projectile and deals increased damage.

Another fun aspect, not inspired by her legend. This would create a fun gameplay of dashing about the enemy team to deal damage, being annoying and distracting.

Aspect of Really Persistent Gusts:

This is an augment to Jing Wei's 1, Persistent Gust. After a persistent gust expires, it will leave a smaller gust behind which will only knock up jing wei, and no longer deals damage. The cooldown of persistent gust is increased by a large amount. This new, small gust is semitransparent and has a long lifetime. When Jing Wei dashes into this gust with Agility, she is knocked up again and has her cooldown on Agility refreshed.

This is another fun aspect. The gameplay here would change the use of jing wei's 1 from a solely reactively used ability to an ability that can be used in preparation. An adequately enthusiastic player might even be able to create a robust highway of gusts across the entire map if they choose to only use their gust in this manner!