Joined seven months ago
in Pokémon
25 rewards remaining
I already have those plush for some time, it's a pity that I don't have the Charmander but I love to let them exhibited in my home!
in Critter Café
Those take some time to be made, but the are are interesting and are elements of the place we explore.
This is Cueia my creature for Critter Coffe. I love customizing mugs, and I'm watching Beastars, so I decided to base it on a bunny, and I thought: why not a coffee mug? That's when I drew my creature on a mug.
in Elite Dangerous
I present you the new Gutamaya ship, the Imperial Razor, a medium combat vessel fast and with good maneuverability, a true competitor to the Mamba!
in EVE Online
the Navitas always reminded me a whale and how I find the deep of the sea frightful I decided to create a design on a cursed whale, the Bloody Whale!
Loving this new ship and I think the only one worth the price of the early access!
in Film & TV
So for this bounty I've decided to join two universes that I love with all my soul!
A power distributor. Why? Because I have to manage my energy along the day every single day of my life, glad that I have plenty of fuel (coffee).
in Music
This play list says a lot about my trajectory, my relationship with my body and my mental health, songs that went through my worst and best moments, help in the construction and deconstruction of my being.
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