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Design a kit for a god that has never been seen in SMITE before!

in SMITE 2

40 rewards remaining

God Name: Veles, the Deceiver

Pantheon: Slavic

Class: Mage

Type: Ranged, Magical

Role: Mid Lane


Veles, the Slavic god of cunning, magic, and the underworld, slips between light and shadow with his changing nature. Enemy of Perun, the god of thunder, Veles is a trickster who challenges the established order, poisoning the minds of mortals with illusions and transformations. Now, he has arrived at the battlefield of the gods to exact his revenge and spread his chaos.

Skill Kit:

Passive – Path of Deception

Every time Veles uses a skill, he leaves behind an illusory image for 3 seconds that copies his movements but deals no damage. Enemies can attack it, but if they do, they are slowed by 10% for 2 seconds.

Skill 1 – Hypnotic Gaze (Line, CC)

Veles projects an illusory gaze in a straight line that damages all enemies hit. If an enemy is hit twice within 3 seconds (either by this ability or by the passive's illusion), they are stunned for 1.2 seconds.

  • Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+75% magic power)

  • Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana

Skill 2 – Changing Form (Buff, Transformation)

Veles takes the form of a mythological beast for 4 seconds, increasing his movement speed and gaining a new ability in this state:

  • Beast Mode – Feral Slash: Veles dashes forward, dealing damage in an area and slowing enemies by 20% for 2 seconds.

  • Speed bonus: 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%

  • Feral Claw Damage: 90/140/190/240/290 (+65% magic power)

  • Cooldown: 14 seconds

  • Cost: 65 mana

Skill 3 – Shadow Path (Escape, Stealth)

Veles is immersed in a dark fog for 2.5 seconds, becoming invisible. If he uses a skill while stealthed, his next auto attack deals additional damage and slows.

  • Stealth duration: 2.5 seconds

  • Bonus damage from next auto attack: 50/80/110/140/170 (+50% magic power)

  • Cooldown: 15 seconds

  • Cost: 75 mana

Skill 4 (Ultimate) – Supreme Illusion (Area, CC, Explosion)

Veles creates a giant duplicate of himself in a selected area for 3 seconds. Enemies within the area see illusions of themselves and take gradual damage. After the duration, the illusion explodes, dealing magic damage and stunning nearby enemies.

  • Damage per second: 40/60/80/100/120 (+30% magic power)

  • Burst Damage: 150/200/250/300/350 (+80% Magic Power)

  • Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds

  • Cooldown: 90/85/80/75/70 seconds

  • Cost: 100 mana

Gameplay and Strategy:

Veles is a mage of deception and mobility, specializing in confusing enemies and manipulating the battlefield with illusions. His combination of stealth, crowd control, and burst damage makes him a threat in team fights.


  • High crowd control with stuns and slows.

  • Decent mobility thanks to his escape and transformation.

  • Tricky abilities that can cause enemies to waste their resources.


  • Fragile if caught without his stealth or mobility.

  • His maximum effectiveness depends on the confusion of the enemy.


Teach us how to play Thor in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

SMITE 2 Thor Guide: Wielding the Power of the Thunder God

Thor, the God of Thunder, is a high-impact warrior-assassin hybrid who excels in both jungle and frontline disruption. With his strong engage potential, high burst damage, and mobility, he is a dominant force in the battleground of SMITE 2. This guide will cover his abilities, optimal builds, and gameplay strategies to help you master Thor and strike fear into your enemies.

Abilities Overview

  1. Mjolnir’s Attunement (Ranged Damage & Mobility): Thor throws his hammer, dealing damage to enemies in its path. The hammer returns, dealing damage again, and Thor can teleport to it mid-flight.

  2. Tectonic Rift (Wall & Stun): Thor slams the ground, creating an impassable wall that stuns enemies in a line. This ability is great for disrupting fights and securing kills.

  3. Berserker’s Barrage (AoE Damage): Thor spins his hammer in a furious attack, dealing damage in an area around him. This is a powerful tool for clearing camps and brawling in close combat.

  4. Anvil of Dawn (Ultimate Engage & Stun): Thor soars into the sky and selects an area to land, dealing massive damage and stunning enemies caught in the impact. This ability makes him an exceptional initiator and playmaker.

Recommended Build

Core Items:

  • Jotunn’s Wrath – Grants cooldown reduction, power, and mana sustain for frequent ability use.

  • Brawler’s Beat Stick – Applies anti-heal and boosts ability damage, effective against healers.

  • Hydra’s Lament – Enhances burst damage by empowering basic attacks after using abilities.

Situational Items:

  • Titan’s Bane – Helps shred through high-protection enemies.

  • Magi’s Cloak – Provides protection against crowd control for safer initiations.

  • Shifter’s Shield – Boosts both offensive and defensive capabilities based on health levels.

Gameplay Tips & Strategies

  1. Early Game: Focus on clearing jungle camps quickly and look for opportunities to gank overextended enemies. Use Mjolnir’s Attunement for poke and quick mobility.

  2. Mid Game: Rotate often and use Anvil of Dawn to surprise enemies. Use Tectonic Rift to separate enemies and secure kills for your team.

  3. Late Game: Position yourself wisely in team fights. Look for opportunities to dive the enemy backline and eliminate key targets while using Berserker’s Barrage for sustained damage.

Combos to Master

  • Engage Combo: Anvil of Dawn to initiate → Tectonic Rift to stun and isolate → Mjolnir’s Attunement for damage → Berserker’s Barrage to finish off opponents.

  • Escape Combo: Mjolnir’s Attunement to throw and teleport away → Tectonic Rift to block enemies’ path → Use Berserker’s Barrage if forced into a fight.

Final Thoughts

Thor is a versatile and explosive warrior who thrives on aggressive play and high-impact initiations. Master his combos, time your ultimate wisely, and you will become a game-changing force in SMITE 2.

Good luck, and may the thunder strike in your favor!


Teach us how to play Izanami in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

SMITE 2 Izanami Guide: Mastering the Mistress of the Underworld

Izanami, the Mistress of the Underworld, is a high-damage, stealthy hunter who excels at clearing waves and shredding enemies with her unique basic attack mechanics. Her ability to engage, disengage, and deal massive damage makes her a strong pick for those who enjoy aggressive ADC gameplay. This guide will cover her abilities, ideal builds, and gameplay strategies to help you master Izanami in SMITE 2.

Abilities Overview

  1. Sickle Storm (Enhanced Basic Attacks): Izanami’s auto-attacks become faster and deal increased damage for a short duration. This ability is key to her burst potential.

  2. Spectral Projection (Skill Shot & Slow): She throws a sickle in a line, damaging and slowing enemies. If an enemy dies while slowed, she gains permanent attack speed.

  3. Fade Away (Stealth & Mobility): Izanami vanishes into the shadows, gaining movement speed and becoming untargetable for a short period. This is useful for repositioning or escaping.

  4. Dark Portal (Ultimate CC & Damage): She summons a portal that deals high damage and silences enemies hit, making it a great tool for initiation and disruption.

Recommended Build

Core Items:

  • Devourer’s Gauntlet – Provides lifesteal and power, enhancing Izanami’s sustain.

  • Executioner – Reduces enemy protections with each basic attack, making it essential for shredding tanks.

  • Qin’s Sais – Deals bonus damage based on enemy health, increasing her efficiency against high-health targets.

Situational Items:

  • Wind Demon – Grants crit chance and movement speed on crits, useful for kiting.

  • Deathbringer – Enhances critical damage, making Izanami a late-game powerhouse.

  • Silverbranch Bow – Benefits from excess attack speed, improving damage output.

Gameplay Tips & Strategies

  1. Early Game: Use Izanami’s fast wave clear to pressure your opponent. Stay safe and poke enemies with Spectral Projection.

  2. Mid Game: Utilize Fade Away for surprise ganks or escapes. Rotate to objectives and apply pressure in fights.

  3. Late Game: Position yourself carefully, use Dark Portal to silence key enemies, and unleash Sickle Storm to obliterate opponents.

Combos to Master

  • Engage Combo: Spectral Projection to slow → Activate Sickle Storm → Auto-attack shred → Dark Portal for finishing damage.

  • Escape Combo: Fade Away to stealth → Reposition → Use Spectral Projection to slow pursuers.

Final Thoughts

Izanami is a strong hunter who thrives on aggressive positioning and high damage output. Master her stealth mechanics, time your abilities correctly, and you’ll become a nightmare for the enemy team.

Good luck, and may the shadows guide your path!


Create a guide on how to play Khepri in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


SMITE 2 Khepri Guide: Mastering the Dawn Bringer

Khepri, the Dawn Bringer, is a guardian known for his incredible utility, crowd control, and game-changing ultimate. His ability to protect teammates while disrupting enemies makes him one of the most impactful support picks in SMITE 2. This guide will walk you through his abilities, ideal builds, and gameplay strategies to maximize Khepri’s potential.

Abilities Overview

  1. Abduct (Grab & Stun): Khepri lunges forward, grabbing an enemy and pulling them along before stunning them. This ability is crucial for peeling and setting up kills.

  2. Rising Dawn (Damage & Protection Buff): Sends out a wave of energy that damages enemies and reduces their damage output while granting allies protection.

  3. Solar Flare (AoE Root): Khepri calls down a solar burst, dealing damage and rooting enemies caught in its radius, making it an excellent zoning tool.

  4. Scarab’s Blessing (Revive & Cleanse): Khepri shields an ally, cleansing them of CC and reviving them if they die within the duration, making this one of the strongest support ultimates in the game.

Recommended Build

Core Items:

  • Gauntlet of Thebes – Provides health and protections, making Khepri tanky in the early game.

  • Sovereignty – Grants physical protections and an aura that helps sustain allies.

  • Heartward Amulet – Provides magical protections and an aura that benefits nearby teammates.

Situational Items:

  • Spirit Robe – Reduces CC effects and increases survivability.

  • Ethereal Staff – Grants bonus health and provides a burst of damage based on enemy health.

  • Pestilence – Counters enemy healing with anti-heal effects.

Gameplay Tips & Strategies

  1. Early Game: Stick with your ADC and focus on securing lane pressure. Use Rising Dawn to poke enemies and Abduct to set up early kills.

  2. Mid Game: Rotate to mid and jungle to provide assistance. Use Solar Flare to root enemies during team fights and Scarab’s Blessing to protect key allies.

  3. Late Game: Stay in the frontlines and peel for your carries. Position yourself carefully to maximize your ultimate’s impact, ensuring your most important teammate stays alive in crucial moments.

Combos to Master

  • Engage Combo: Solar Flare to root → Abduct to pull an enemy into your team → Follow up with basic attacks and Rising Dawn.

  • Peel Combo: Abduct an enemy diving your carry → Apply Rising Dawn for protection → Use Scarab’s Blessing if your teammate is in danger.

Final Thoughts

Khepri is a guardian that rewards careful positioning and timely ability usage. With a powerful revive, strong CC, and protective capabilities, he can single-handedly turn the tide of battle. Master his kit, prioritize your positioning, and watch as your team flourishes under your protection.

Good luck, and may the sun always shine upon you!


Teach us how to play Nemesis in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


SMITE 2 Nemesis Guide: How to Dominate the Battleground

Nemesis, the Goddess of Vengeance, returns in SMITE 2 as a highly mobile assassin capable of shredding through tanks and carries alike. With her mix of mobility, sustain, and true damage, she excels at isolating and eliminating key targets. This guide will walk you through her abilities, ideal builds, and gameplay strategies to help you make the most of Nemesis in SMITE 2.

Abilities Overview

  1. Swift Vengeance (Dash Ability): Nemesis dashes twice, dealing damage and allowing her to quickly reposition or chase down fleeing enemies.

  2. Slice and Dice (AoE Damage & Slow): A circular strike that damages and slows enemies, making it a great tool for initiation or escape.

  3. Retribution (Shield & Sustain): Absorbs a portion of incoming damage while healing Nemesis, giving her significant sustain in fights.

  4. Divine Judgment (Ultimate): Reduces an enemy's protections and steals a percentage of their health, making Nemesis a devastating force against tanks and squishies alike.

Recommended Build

Core Items:

  • Jotunn’s Wrath – Provides cooldown reduction, power, and mana sustain.

  • Serrated Edge – Grants lifesteal and movement speed, enhancing Nemesis’s dueling potential.

  • Hydra’s Lament – Boosts burst damage through empowered basic attacks after using abilities.

Situational Items:

  • Titan’s Bane – Great for shredding through tankier opponents.

  • Bloodforge – Adds extra lifesteal and survivability.

  • Magi’s Cloak – Helps counter crowd control-heavy matchups.

Gameplay Tips & Strategies

  1. Early Game: Focus on farming efficiently and securing jungle buffs to build up your power. Avoid unnecessary fights until you’ve acquired core items.

  2. Mid Game: Look for opportunities to gank enemy laners. Use Swift Vengeance to engage and Divine Judgment to burst down high-priority targets.

  3. Late Game: Stick to the enemy backline and eliminate carries before they can deal damage. Use Retribution wisely to negate burst damage and survive longer fights.

Combos to Master

  • Engage Combo: Dash in with Swift Vengeance → Slow enemies with Slice and Dice → Activate Divine Judgment → Secure the kill with auto-attacks and Retribution.

  • Escape Combo: Use Retribution to absorb damage → Dash away with Swift Vengeance → Slow pursuers with Slice and Dice.

Final Thoughts

Nemesis is a highly rewarding assassin when played correctly, excelling at punishing overextended enemies and disrupting backlines. Master her abilities, optimize your build, and play smart to become a true force of vengeance on the battlefield.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


Review SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


SMITE 2 Review: A Fresh Start or Just More of the Same?

SMITE 2 is the long-anticipated sequel to Hi-Rez Studios’ beloved third-person MOBA, and while it carries the weight of expectations, does it truly deliver? After spending some time with the game in its current state, I’ve got some thoughts on where it excels and where it still needs improvement.

Visuals & Performance

One of the first things that stands out is the graphical overhaul. Built on Unreal Engine 5, SMITE 2 looks significantly better than its predecessor. Character models are more detailed, animations feel smoother, and lighting effects give the battleground a fresh, immersive feel. However, optimization is still a work in progress, with occasional frame drops and performance inconsistencies on mid-range PCs.

Gameplay & Mechanics

At its core, SMITE 2 retains the third-person, action-packed MOBA gameplay that made the original so unique. The movement feels more refined, and abilities have more weight and impact. However, some balance issues persist, with certain gods feeling overtuned while others struggle to find relevance. The new itemization system is a mixed bag—offering fresh strategic depth but also adding complexity that might alienate veteran SMITE players used to the old formula.

New Gods & Roster Changes

SMITE 2 brings back fan-favorite gods with reworked abilities and new mechanics, but not everyone has made the cut—at least not yet. The current roster is smaller than SMITE 1’s massive selection, which may frustrate players who are used to their favorite picks. That said, the redesigned gods feel more dynamic and rewarding to play, hinting at a bright future as more deities are added over time.

Matchmaking & Servers

Matchmaking is currently a weak point, with long queue times and questionable skill balancing in ranked matches. Additionally, server stability is inconsistent, leading to occasional lag spikes and disconnects. Given that the game is still in its early stages, these issues are somewhat expected, but they do impact the overall experience.

Monetization & Progression

SMITE 2’s monetization model is a hot topic. While the game remains free-to-play, some aspects of its progression and battle pass system feel more aggressive than before. The shift in currency and unlock methods has left some players frustrated, particularly those hoping for more rewards without heavy investment.

Final Verdict

SMITE 2 has a solid foundation with its improved visuals, refined mechanics, and engaging combat, but it’s not without flaws. Performance issues, balance concerns, and a smaller god roster hold it back from being a true leap forward. That said, Hi-Rez Studios has a history of iterating on their games over time, so there's hope that SMITE 2 will continue to evolve into something truly special.

Current Rating: 7/10 Worth Playing? Yes, but expect some growing pains.


Teach us how to play Bellona in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

Bellona Guide – SMITE 2

Bellona is a versatile warrior who thrives in the solo lane, excelling in sustain, pressure, and teamfight presence. With her adaptable stances and auto-attack-focused kit, she can dominate trades and control fights with ease.

Abilities Overview

  • Passive – Master of War
    Bellona gains protections and movement speed whenever she hits enemies with basic attacks, reinforcing her strength in extended fights.

  • 1st Ability – Shield Bash
    A strong engage tool that deals damage and slows enemies. If it hits, Bellona’s basic attacks become cleaving for a short duration, making it great for wave clear.

  • 2nd Ability – Bludgeon
    A powerful AoE attack that swings her weapon in a circle and deals extra damage if she hits enemies. If it connects with multiple enemies, she gains bonus damage for the follow-up slam. Perfect for wave clear and burst damage in fights.

  • 3rd Ability – Scourge
    Bellona swings her scourge, hitting all enemies in front of her. If she hits enemy gods, she disarms them, preventing them from using basic attacks for a few seconds. This is key against hunters and auto-attack-based warriors.

  • Ultimate – Eagle’s Rally
    Bellona leaps to a target location, planting her banner for a stun and providing protections to allies in the area. This is great for engaging, escaping, or turning a fight in your favor.

How to Play Bellona

Early Game (Laney Phase)

  • Use Bludgeon (2) for fast wave clear and poke the enemy laner.

  • Engage with Shield Bash (1) to get cleave attacks for wave clear and poke.

  • Scourge (3) is key against basic attack-reliant enemies—use it wisely.

  • Focus on controlling totems and invading enemy jungle camps when possible.

Mid Game (Rotations & Pressure)

  • Look for fights! Bellona excels in mid-game skirmishes.

  • Use Eagle’s Rally (Ult) to engage or counter-initiate in team fights.

  • Zone enemy carries with Scourge and Bludgeon.

  • Help your jungler secure objectives like Gold Fury and Pyromancer.

Late Game (Team Fights & Objective Control)

  • Peel for your carries or dive the enemy backline depending on your team’s needs.

  • Use Eagle’s Rally defensively or offensively to control team fights.

  • Stick to enemy hunters or mages and disarm them with Scourge.

  • Play around Fire Giant fights—your sustain and CC make you a huge asset.

Recommended Build

Starting Items

  • Warrior’s Axe → Great sustain and damage for trades.

  • Health Potion & Multi Potion

Core Items

  • Gladiator’s Shield → Strong sustain and cooldown reduction.

  • Shogun’s Kusari → Great against magical damage and buffs your team’s attack speed.

  • The Sledge → Bonus protections and health for survivability.

Late Game Items

  • Oni Hunter’s Garb → Anti-magic protections and survivability in fights.

  • Mantle of Discord → Provides CC immunity and strong defensive stats.

  • Spectral Armor (vs Crit Hunters) or Midgardian Mail (vs Attack Speed carries).

Tips & Tricks

  • Use Scourge (3) against hunters and assassins to shut down their damage output.

  • Cancel Bludgeon (2) early to guarantee burst damage if you think the enemy will interrupt you.

  • Use Shield Bash (1) to chase or escape—the movement speed slow is key.

  • Look for teleport rotations to help your team secure objectives.


Bellona is a powerful solo lane warrior who thrives in extended fights and team engagements. If you master her stance switching, sustain, and crowd control, you’ll dominate your lane and become a nightmare for enemy carries.

Now go forth and wage war on the battlefield of the gods! 💪🔥