My best tips are:
If you're new to Smite or New to MOBA's, play arena first with auto skill on and choose a pre made build. They are pretty well made. You should also pick 1-3 characters to really learn the game with, then you can move to conquest.
For conquest the easiest roles to pick up and play right off the bat are solo lane and adc in my opinion. For advice on each role watch some streamers or youtubers, this will help with items as well if you dont want to use the auto builds even though theyre good.
For more technical advice I'd say change your casting type to be quick or instant and turn off double tap to confirm an ability, it will help you be faster in general. Try not to use your jumping or 'escape' abilities to get IN to fights, save them to get out unless youre sure you will live. Play with your team and don't chase a kill. Finally and most importantly wave farm is the most important thing on the map for you, do not miss any of it if you can help it.
Good luck!