My top 5 aspects in smite 2 right now have to be anhur at number 1 because being able to get 100% more attack speed as long as you can hit 4 autos in a row is crazy good for all times of game being early, mid and late game. Number 2 has to be Ra's. Ra's new aspect makes it unbelievable good when it comes to team fights. Weather it be in mid, solo or support role. And my last personal one has to be chaac's aspect. His aspect can help put that pressure on the opposite team and help deal that extra little bit of damage in his 1v1s. Especially paired with soul gem and Phoenix shield his aspect can help him and the team. For number 4 I would have to choose Thanatos. This aspect is extremely broken in the hands of a experienced Thanatos player. He can get to crazy high amounts of health and his silencing sythe can do crazy damage. For number five I would have to give it to cernunnos. My reasoning for this is because of the fact that it makes a ranged God that I personally didn't really like into a cleaving jungler that can devistate in ganking if played right. The extra cooldowns to his dashes makes it really good in team fights especially paired with poly/hydra and bumbas. It's just a really fun aspect in my opinion.