Yes this would struggle massively because teammates still won't place wards, but at least with her on your team you might see someone ward.
Theia, Greek goddess of sight and vision
Role: Support
Damage: magical
Auto Attacks: Melee
When enemies are pings by wards, gain a 10% speed buff for 3s. This is reset each time an enemy is pinged by a ward.
You gain a free sentry ward every 180s.
Ability 1 - Sight is power
Place a ward that can be seen by the enemy team. Enemies in its radius are slowed 20% and lose prots scaling
2/4/6/8/10. Only one can be placed on the map at a time.
Cool down 12s
Ability 2 - I See You
All wards release a pulse that roots and damages enemies in its radius. This also gives allies in the ward radius a heal equal to damage dealt
Damage 10/20/35/50/65 + 5% int
Cooldown 13s
Ability 3 - Now you see me
Leap. At your original location leave a temporary ward lasting 3s. This ward acts like a regular ward for its duration. When the ward expires a blind will happen in radius around you and your ward.
Damage on leap: 50/ 75/ 100/ 125/ 150 + 20% int
Damage on blind: 50/ 100/ 150/ 200/ 250 + 20% int.
Blind duration 1s.
Ability 4 - Divine Light
You reveal the entire map for 5s. All allies game 10% movement speed. And all enemy wards are comondeered for your team for 10s. Giving you vision where they placed wards and removing thier vision.