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Tell us which video game would be hardest to survive, then tell us how you'd do it

in Video Games


In all honesty, I’d say the Lego universe with games such as LEGO Harry Potter, LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean and LEGO Batman. You might be thinking ”What!? That'd be awesome! The world would be completely made of Legos!” and you're not wrong, everything would be made of Legos, including you. Realistically in that scenario, you would become a being made of plastic, in just a few kicks and punches your plastic body would be decapitated and dismembered. Sure, you do respawn relatively quickly, but what happens when your body parts pop off your body and suddenly you're a pile of plastic? Could you imagine what that feels like? Lego people might not even feel pain, but I’d say it would still be a strange experience if your limbs were suddenly removed and reassembled.

If you've played the games, you would know that the Lego people can experience emotions like fear and can often be seen running blindly trying to escape lethal waves of certain death brought upon by the game's antagonists. You'd think by the way they run around the map in complete hysteria, the Lego people must feel some sort of negative emotion associated with being dismembered and having their body parts ripped off their body, why else would they act in such a way? How could you walk through your local Lego supermarket (assuming they eat, but I'm 99% sure they do) with the knowledge that at any moment your head could be kicked off by a stranger because you took the last box of Apple Jacks.