So many moment was iconic . but sadly not all has been capture .
this story beggin with me wich i never think i will be responsable to one of the biggest rebelion in game .
CMDR chryco is my character and i protect reorte system after the ALLIANCE free reorte from dictatorship . after multiple war , election , expantion my team and i menage to have a good territory in the old world zone .
one day THE CODE one of the biggest pirate group decide to attack every alliance cmdr and ship they see . i try to negociate , i try to talk , but one day after one of the CODE member destroy my ship . i decide to counter attack in orrere their home system .
i kill one of them and this is was the beggining of the war . 2 years of tension and it take one kill to start a war .
TCF and I decide to prepare and defend alliance territory .
The code push to take riedquat and take zaonce the galactic bank . they fail to take over zaonce and now it was time to fight in riedquat to push them back .
so many group join them and join us . the war was full speed . we fight in conflict zone for a total of more then hundred of player each side . this was brutal . the rebelion against the code lose the war in riedquat BUT .
we decide to do a other attack on riedquat but wierd enough no resistance . the war start again and our side was full of people but the code side was empty .
in the end , redquiat was given to the federation and the reality is the code was broken . the leaders split up because of false promise and too much propaganda .
now the alliance menage to defend the territory and the code today change their view and the new leadership was more friendly .