


Joined seven months ago



Tell us the story of one of Elite's most iconic moments!

in Elite Dangerous


So many moment was iconic . but sadly not all has been capture .

this story beggin with me wich i never think i will be responsable to one of the biggest rebelion in game .

CMDR chryco is my character and i protect reorte system after the ALLIANCE free reorte from dictatorship . after multiple war , election , expantion my team and i menage to have a good territory in the old world zone .

one day THE CODE one of the biggest pirate group decide to attack every alliance cmdr and ship they see . i try to negociate , i try to talk , but one day after one of the CODE member destroy my ship . i decide to counter attack in orrere their home system .

i kill one of them and this is was the beggining of the war . 2 years of tension and it take one kill to start a war .

TCF and I decide to prepare and defend alliance territory .

The code push to take riedquat and take zaonce the galactic bank . they fail to take over zaonce and now it was time to fight in riedquat to push them back .

so many group join them and join us . the war was full speed . we fight in conflict zone for a total of more then hundred of player each side . this was brutal . the rebelion against the code lose the war in riedquat BUT .

we decide to do a other attack on riedquat but wierd enough no resistance . the war start again and our side was full of people but the code side was empty .

in the end , redquiat was given to the federation and the reality is the code was broken . the leaders split up because of false promise and too much propaganda .

now the alliance menage to defend the territory and the code today change their view and the new leadership was more friendly .


Tell us how to get into bounty hunting!

in Elite Dangerous


First : when you begin ready to fight Ressource extraction zone ( ring of gaz giant ) is a easy and a good way to begin bounty hunting .

second: you can go in cluster ring wich is rock group in system can have pirate there

third : nav beacon can have pirate to take bounties

So you scan ship and wait to saw wanted . when this is the case you fight it and after the kill you receive the bound . last part is if you want to choose very well your pirate the more is small the more is easy but paid less ( you can find the bounty on someone in the left panel / section contacts / and check your target and you will see the number in the right )

after kill you go to the closes station and give your bounties to the station . ( you click the station service / contacts / administration contacts / and bounty voucher and voila you can claim your bounties .

LAST PART IF BRAVE : you can go to a intallation orbital or megaship to do bounty hunting

for start a scenario in this two things for the easy and faster way any negative or positive state of the owner of the system have the scenario of bounty will start for megaship ( for installation it need to be the owner of the installation if positive state . negative state start all installation and megaship scenario ) is recomended to wait in 5 km from the installation or megaship and wait a little bit . after that the scenario will appear on your chat box ( DONT CHOOSE SIDE IF THIS IS ONLY FOR BOUNTIES ) so you can kill the pirate there . the stolen scenario you will have anaconda and python who will try to take cargo close to the installation or megaship . them can give you up to 1.5 million and dont really attack hard . so if this is a stolen scenario you can wait the thief arrive around the megaship or installation and kill them in repeat