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What should someone make a game about? Tell us for $8!

in Video Games


We've seen video games with cats (Stray), dolphins (Ecco), and even looked after our little Nintendogs... but what about turtles?

Turtles deserve the spotlight, not just because they're adorable, but because their habitat has continued to decline. Their homes are threatened by the continued development of coastal areas, invasive and foreign species, human recreation, and the rising sea levels.

My video game wish takes the form of being a turtle, viewing the world similar to the scale of Grounded (small kid in bug-size surviving the wilds of your back yard). I would imagine it would take place on coastal areas, with access to the ocean or waterways, with emphasis on the dangers our little turtle pal will face -e.g. hotel resort expanding into our little home, oil spills causing baddies to relocate and take our little turtle pal's home, or sneaky birds trying to take our little baby turtles!

Anyhow, the question is whether we should be a turtle on four legs, or an upright turtle standing on two legs (like ninja turtles, the old school ones not the weird new design). It's important to decide, because if we're on two legs standing up -- should we have 3d platforming elements to overcome in order to traverse the storm drains of Melbourne in order to find our way back home (or find our mate)?

There's many different avenues we can take it, but an emphasis should be placed on the present dangers that turtles are facing and the fatal consequence of extinction. Heck, we could make it a turtle going through existential dread due to the realisation of very sudden extinction... or is that too close to home?