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Report on the shifting galactic tides, winter 2024/2025!

in Elite Dangerous

40 rewards remaining

With the Galactic Superpowers sending the signal that independent pilots are soon going to be approved to charter their own system colonisation, it would appear they have chosen Brewer Logistics as their partner.

In many ways this make s agreat deal of sense. With Brewers proven track record both with the Fleet Carrier License expansion as well as the Colonia Bridge project, they are an ideal manufacturing and logistics partner for the superpowers.

However, things are never as simple as they first appear.

Sirius Corporation appears to be actively focussed on ring fencing some part of the value chain of system colonisation. After their recent hit in Frame Shift Drive sales in response to Achilles Robotics now Super Cruise Overdrive (SCO) developments, it should come as no surprise that Li Yong Rui has somehow managed to capture under his own personal influence, the system containing Brewer Corps manufacturing plants - Minerva.

It cannot be ignored that whilst Brewer are excellent from a manufacturing perspective, they do not take into consideration the needs of existing populations when considering these endeavours, with dissidents of HIP 90578 making quite a scene during Brewers recent exploration data survey.

All in all, the humble civilisation Humanity has built and protected all these years is about to undergo some rapid expansion.

One question many seem to have allowed to fall by the way side is, what will "The Consortium" have to say about this. After all, they are one of the few corporations thus far that has been colonising far away systems, and they also seem to be in bed with the Pilots Federation to secure their own system permits...