Trying to supercharge my FSD, I learned that not all white dwarfs are equal one day as I stopped at one such white dwarf. The tail cones on it were soooooo tiny they might as well not have existed.
However I was thinking, perhaps the particles exist slightly outside the cones they fade off? So I flew my ship closer to check it out. Sadly, no supercharging occurred. I was somewhat disappointed.
To be honest, I didn't even need the boost as my ship was able to make the next jump. Somehow, that day, I was being stupid and adventurous, so I thought, why not? I can test my piloting skills and save some fuel too! (yes i forgot fuel is practically free)
So I think to myself, surely my piloting skills are good enough to get me in and out with no issues, seeing as I've managed other white dwarves before with no issues. (I was wrong, the other white dwarves had much longer tails compared to this one)
So I slowly inched towards the tiny bit of tail, and suddenly, yay! My FSD was supercharging! Then as I struggled to pull my ship out of the vortex, I hit the exclusion zone and my ship was pulled out of warp.
Then came the never ending loop of spinning around and trying to get out of the vortex without the help of lightspeed while panicking and not doing anything right as my ship started overheating. A while later I did notice I needed my FSD back so I charged it up again after it's cooldown, and tried to continue manhandling my ship, to no avail, since the ship was being spun around in all sorts of directions by the vortex. Every direction except the escape vector. Soon I ran out of heatsinks and finally melted down.
The lesson here is that I should either replot my route if need be, or stay away from white dwarves totally since they only provide a 50% boost as I later found out, which isn't really worth the hassle of a potential rebuy. Or do stunts like these on a cheaper ship. I was flying an Anaconda at the time.