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Fan-fiction contest! Two people meet in your café on New Year's Eve ...

in Critter Café


“Yes! I’m talking about that new Critter Cafe! I went there last week for their NYE party and that’s where I met him!”

It was a few days into the New Year, and I was enjoying a chicken sandwich by the Emerald Bay lighthouse overlooking the ocean after a day at the cafe. There are no tables or anything to actually sit on, but I don’t mind sitting on the ground. It’s my favourite spot.There were two girls who were sitting down on the path below the lighthouse with the same thought process I had, as there’s nowhere to sit down there, either. They were chatting and from what I could overhear, one of them met a cute boy and they had met at MY cafe!

“Oh that one that has all the rescue critters?! I’ve been there! They’re so cute! And their coffee and catwiches are so yum.”

“Yeah! So anyways, I was sitting up the back by the arcade machines and he came through the doors. I glanced up when I heard the door bell chime and I don’t know why but he looked straight at me from across the cafe. He looked around, and then came straight towards me.”

“Ooooh like a total meet-cute! When do you see him again?”

I snuck a glance at the girls and the one on the right, a blonde girl replied, “We are planning on going to the cafe for breakfast tomorrow morning!”

Her friend, a darker skinned girl with a beautiful shade of purple hair said, “Ooooh cute! Well I’d love to go back to the cafe. I wonder if the owner has found a Starbii - I’ve always, ALWAYS wanted to see one up close!” Then she startled and said, “Oh what time is it? I need to get home.” The two girls got up to leave and I smiled. It felt good to hear people talking like that about my cafe. 

The next day I opened up the cafe, and customers started to arrive. I decided to bring Starbii to work today on the off-chance that the girl with the purple hair came to sneak a peek at her friend’s new man, so that she could meet the critter she’s always wanted to. Being good at customer service isn’t always about me interacting with the customers - sometimes it’s just having the knowledge needed to make someone’s day. 

Sure enough, the blonde one came in and sat at a table along the side wall near the bannister. She sat facing the wall and was looking out the window and only looked over when the door chimed. A smile grew over her face and she waved at the handsome man that had just come in through the door. He crossed the room to sit at her table and the two started talking. Neither of them glanced up when the door chimed again and her friend with the purple hair snuck through the door and went up the stairs to the far corner by the arcade machines so her friend wouldn’t see her.  

The couple looked ready to order so I was already on my way to them when they looked towards me and raised their hands. She asked for a latte, and he wanted a coffee from the moka pot. I went and grabbed those for them, and then noticed Purple Hair’s hand go up. 

I went up the stairs to take her order but I watched her eyes go from mine to the critters following behind me and she let out an involuntary squeal. 

“Eeeeeeoh my GOSH HE’S SO CUTE! Can I hold him????” 

I chuckled and looked down at Starbii, and said, “Yeah of course you can! He loves cuddles.” I had a feeling that the whole ISLAND heard her squeal and looked over to her blonde friend who was watching her with an amused expression. Purple Hair made eye contact with Blondie and smiled, embarrassed that she’d been caught but then mouthed, “He’s CUTE!!” And then gave her a thumbs up. I laughed and asked Purple Hair what I could get for her and she also asked for a latte. 

When the couple raised their hand again for a piece of cake, Blondie smiled and said, “It’s so great that you brought Starbii here this morning because my friend over there was just telling me yesterday how she’s always wanted to meet one in person.” 

I smiled sheepishly and replied, “Yeaaaaaah, I was actually up behind you guys at the lighthouse and overheard your conversation. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I figured that on the off chance she came to sneak a peek at the two of you, she could at least have a fun date, too.” I brought them their cake and brought a catwich over to Purple Hair who was sipping her coffee with Starbii sitting on her lap, purring. She looked up at me and I could swear there were hearts in her pupils. She was in heaven. 

Eventually the couple joined Purple Hair on the sofas near the arcade machines and they chatted and laughed until the lunch rush started and they all got up to leave. Purple Hair gave Starbii one last hug, and then placed him on the floor next to the sofa and said, “I’ll see you again, I promise.” They smiled at me and I said, “Thank you, see you later!” Blondie’s new man laughed as they reached the door and said, “I think we’ll see you tomorrow.”

They left my cafe and left a glow in my heart. This is what my dream for this place was. Somewhere you can meet new people, and come enjoy time with ones you already love. And maybe meet a new critter or two!