Exobiology Brings Wonder and the Big Bucks
I absolutely love exobiology! I get an incredible feeling being the intrepid explorer that is out in the black, lightyears away from civilization, finding life where no man (or woman) has gone before. It's an amazing experience to hear my Science Officer (aka Elite Observatory w/BioInsights) alert me of a possible high-value body.
It's even more exciting when the report she gives me tips me off to the possibility of a Stratum Tectonicas species in the system. Hold onto your space cowboy hats cause I'm definitely flying in for a proper look!
The truth is, while it is very nice to come back from a stint in the black a couple of billion credits richer, the thrill of exobiology for me is in the discovery. Seeing my Codex light up with "Reported" or "Confirmed" makes me feel I'm really contributing to the overall knowledge base of humanity in the stars. Having the Cannon Research plugin also helps with that feeling.
I can't wait to finally come back from the black with enough credits to purchase my Fleet Carrier. At that point, Commanders, I might not come back to the Bubble for years.
In the meantime, fly dangerously. o7