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Video Games
Kane Carnifex's avatar

Both are in Kind of German but you will get it and they like +10 Year old and still soo ahead of the time.

A Gamers Day is about a Counter Strike "pro" player which slides from his Virtual Reality into Real life... So his friends annoy him he closes the ICQ windows and they disapear... so on:

Maybe you see sometimes people named The | Gamer Anyway the first one is easy to watch also without understanding German most stuff happens on Screen and its about the oldschool classic music. Enjoi if you don´t know it.

This one is pure gold. Its a Documentary about German Cheaters :P

Even if you don´t speak German try to use subtitles and so on. Its about which Cheating is a illness and a ritual cult which they eat rats. Why Rats? Because they aren´t brave enough to try bigger animals :P Also a SWAT Like Taskforce will introdruced which detected cheaters and than catch you with a helicopter at your mums place :P purrree gold!!!!!!

Samuel's avatar

This one always gets a laugh from me

It's just incredibly stupid and I love it

Philip's avatar

This one is an older video now from The Internet Historian called the Engoodening of No Man's Sky. Plenty of hilarious scenes in this 55 minute video.


Never mess with the Cow's LOL, so many things in this just always make me laugh, its so stupid and funny at the same time that you can do this in a videogame! Gotta love some Just Cause 3 banter!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

There are many people making funny videos about Final Fantasy XIV, but Jo Cat is by far one of the best. He started a series called "A crap guide to FFXIV" (he has one for D&D as well, I highly suggest to check it out) Hard to decide which one of the videos I love the most, but because I'm currently a healer main in my raid group, will go with that:


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