It's tough out there for content creators. Platforms take a cheeky revenue share if they offer rewards at all for the content they depend on. At Just About, helping creators is part of our mission. That's why we're hosting three panel discussions at EGX London 2023, bringing experts together to share their wisdom with each other and with anyone just starting out.
We want to do the same right here on the platform. How can creators earn more money from their content? What's a realistic expectation when starting out, and what should they do first and foremost to maximise it? What should they know about agencies, networks, publisher creator programmes, sponsorship deals, and working with third parties? What are the most generous platforms when it comes to revenue sharing?
Share these and any other tips about content monetisation via a written entry below. The top 15 will receive $3 each and be used in a guide that'll live forever on Just About, and help other budding creators to get their start!
If you've got some other wisdom to share, check out our bounties on discoverability and managing the creator lifestyle.
If you'd like to learn more about the Creator Collab, check it out here.
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