It can be tough to know exactly where to start when you're at the beginning of your content creator journey, and you'll often find lots of conflicting advice. So for those of you that have already established a routine and have experience producing content, we want to know if there was one key video or tutorial that you followed to get underway, and how it went for you.
We're envisaging most submissions to this bounty to be tutorial videos from other creators, but if it was something else you followed, such as an article or forum post, we welcome anything and everything as we look to build the best 'starter kit' for new creators. Make sure you add some context alongside your link - tell us how it went for you, exactly what worked and what didn't. The best submissions will net $3.
already paid
$9 / 30
This reward closed to entries at 5:03pm on November 3, 2023 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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