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I've been using Instagram and Instagram Reels for a while now, mainly as a way to gain some additional use of YouTube Shorts I make by uploading them there as well. I only very recently got TikTok, after it got recommended to me by some other content creators, due to the apparently insane traction you can get on there, and I also use it to re-upload all my Shorts from YouTube.

I avoided TikTok like the plague for the longest time, as to me, as an outsider, it seemed like everything wrong with modern content creation and consumption. Though, as someone also desperate for growth, I was also willing to put my morals aside on that one just to see if the discoverability and viewership on there is as good as everyone said it was. And, as it turns out, it really wasn't, with the content getting almost no traction at all, despite uploading most of my Shorts catalogue over to TikTok already. So it's an experiment I quickly gave up on as I didn't want anything to do with that platform or be associated with it.

That lack of viewership is nothing new really, I've learned that Instagram is also pretty bad for discoverability of smaller accounts well, with content, no matter how good, really struggling there as well. However, at least I have some presence on there already, fighting hard for each follower for the past several years. What's more, unlike on Tiktok, one of two of my reels actually performed well on Instagram, so that's already a bonus. What's more, it also feels like much better platform as a whole to be on, as viewers who come to me from other social media, or discover me on Instagram, get to enjoy my static posts and video posts on a single, convenient, platform.

At the same time, I've also noticed how much care many people put into the look of their Instagram profile, and I must admit, I do find an aesthetically pleasing profile with a good, carefully chosen assortment of posts to be a huge plus. Reels make that somewhat harder to achieve, as they are often an eyesore and don't blend in well with other posts on ones profile. Tiktok doesn't really have that issue I guess, as every post is a video, and I guess there is more of a precendent for each to look and feel very differnet.


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