Phew. That was quite something, wasn't it? Another Game Awards in the bag, another slew of exciting game announcements all made to the world, and we've got a clearer picture of how the next year or so in gaming looks. Our question to you: what's got you licking your lips as a creator?
Of course, many creators are happy to keep working on their one favourite game, and that's totally fine. But if you're a variety streamer, you just fancy branching out, or you dream of getting in on the ground floor of the next Fortnite and your channel blowing up, then you won't have a better bit of intel than these latest announcements for a while.
Based on the news from The Game Awards, what do you think is the next big opportunity for gaming content creators? The game that everyone with dreams of becoming the next Ninja must get involved in, the sleeper hit that's going to blow up, the wave that's going to swell biggest and be contested by the fewest rivals?
Share what your gut's telling you and give us your reasons - no one-sentence answers, please! The ten best answers get $4 apiece.
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