Cartograms are one of the coolest and most inventive ideas in Empyreal - an action-RPG full of cool and inventive ideas. Cartograms are playable, explorable levels dropped by defeated enemies, and can be important sources of loot, but what else is there to know about this unique game system?
For this reward, your challenge is to answer that very question. Get into the Empyreal demo for free on Steam, dive into the cartogram system, and come back here with a guide video telling us everything you've learned. How and where can we find cartograms? Which elements within them are randomised? How should we prepare to explore one? Why are they important or useful to the player (e.g. what's the loot like)? What role do they play in the lore or the game's wider plot? There's so much to discover and explain about this great idea, so tell us all.
We're looking for detailed guide videos of at least four minutes in length, ideally more, all submitted through connected social media.
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