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yan57436's avatar

Every time I come across a new game, I always look for tips from people who have already played it, from the most basic things to the main ones, such as the best video configuration, what to do first, I always like to have a good initial experience. In my searches, I came across the Secret Mode channel and five things to do in the game's demo, which I liked a lot, as it's the view of someone who's already played the game. The video is short and to the point, it doesn't want to take up your time with useless information, it's all valid content. I hope the channel gets all the recognition, I really enjoyed it!


Oh hey, this is our video. Thanks so much. Secret Mode are the publisher so we wanted to give you guys some really good tips from the experts to get people started.

yan57436's avatar

Thank you for your content! You're amazing

FEBRIAN_574H's avatar

Best couple streamer, I really like their way to play games. I learned a lot from them before I continue to next step (after tutorial)

NarratorID's avatar

Watching people started their new game is enjoying for me.

JHenckes's avatar

I didn't know the game until it appeared here on the site. And this was certainly the video that made me want to play the game for real!

projectazone's avatar

I chose this player because he clearly shows the demo, pointing out not only the gameplay but also the various elements to pay attention to. Plus he manages to make an accurate and funny review even during the game... and then the singing is too funny XD

GoJapan's avatar

I like this video because explain all what you must know about the game, is nice for who dont know the game and want discover it

zawn's avatar

can i submit my own video fighting Elitheia? XD
I still not found content creator who i enjoy yet.

Rich's avatar

It'd be better for you to submit that video to our boss fights reward, but note that we're asking for a certain level of style, so we hope you beat her well!


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