One of the things that makes Just About different is our bounty system. Bounties are challenges for community members to tackle, with financial rewards that recognise the amazing content you create.
Besides the bounties that are live now, you can take a peek at many that are scheduled for the next month or so. We hope there's something that everyone will enjoy tackling, but this is your community, and we want your input to make certain that you’re enjoying these early challenges as well as the rewards that come with them.
(In fact, in future, every Just About community will set their own bounties. Your feedback will play a massive part in helping us develop the bounty system, and reach that future faster. )
As you take part in each bounty, we’d love it if you could use this thread to share any feedback you have about your experience. We’d particularly like to know things like:
Was the duration of the bounty too long, too short, or just about right for you to be able to take part in it?
Was it, y’know, fun? Did you enjoy taking part?
Did the submission format feel right? Perhaps a shortform TikTok video bounty would have worked better as a longer YouTube video. That sort of thing.
Relative to other bounties, did the rewards feel about right for the effort involved? Too little, too much?
Oh, and if you could start your reply with the title of the bounty, that would be really helpful in helping us track what’s working, and what can be improved. Thank you!
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