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EVE Online

EVE Online
James 's avatar 1st Round Video Next video update to come Asap

Kane Carnifex's avatar

So you didn´t had the chance to play in the AT? No worries you still can join the AT Market in Jita. Since the actuall tournment is on TQ the Flagship has a real value. But we aren´t here talking about Officer Mods or so. Thats my friends is another story.

So what happend on the first day of AT XIX on the Jita market? Wait... since you reading you intersted what happen but i want which you get it yourself. So i point to following rule in AT XIX:

The restriction on meta 1-4 Sensor Dampeners, Tracking Disruptors, Guidance Disruptors, and ECM will remain in effect

So META Moduls only, hmmm. We should have plenty of them since nobody use them. Comes from NPCs... Yeah but they are also kind of cheap.... and T2 ist just better. but watch it around 17:24 we have following cherrys:

Tracking Disruptors



If you are a younger team in the AT you may encounter the issue which the module you just need cost 150 million... you tend to buy it or?

Stay tuned for more Market trickery.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Quick question on this one Kane Carnifex - when you say "but watch it around 17:24", what are you referring to?

FUN INC's avatar

I reckon he is referring to a price screengrab on one of the days where the inflated costs can be see - Kane Carnifex is that what you were driving at?

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Saturday EVE Time. If you take to account which the max time is 89 Days and 23:59. So some of them got created before the actual AT start. Other maybe to certain matches.

If you want to go this rabbit hole (15 min before match start the ships are kind of locked) The bans are like 60-45min before. ->

Than watch for Teams which banned above kind of ECM. than you maybe could do a suggestion into the blue if or if not.

Also there is post on reddit from 10 Hours about it for additonal comments:


you can't build meta modules, they're all drops. If people arent ratting those arent dropping and they're not getting to market. If it's not a supply issue, somebody probably put it into a doctrine ship and then bought out the market

CCP_Swift CCP Games

It may not be the case for this, but it is a common practice amongst Alliance Tournament teams to buy up entire items on the market and relist to try and glean information about what their opponents may be taking into a fight, or to just not relist and deprive them of key modules.


I plan on doing a Recap stream Sunday Night (USTZ), would that count for this?


HELP!! I am trying to post this VOD as a submission but it's not allowing me. I submitted it once but wasn't happy with how I formated it, so I deleted the submission intending to post a new one but now it says I have already submitted...

This is the video I would like considered:

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Joshua Hicks I can still mark your deleted post as a winning entry, and I'll review the VOD in the reply in its place. So I think this will work out okay :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I've just marked your deleted post as a winning entry. Do let me know if you don't see the reward credited to your account :)


HELP!! I am trying to post this VOD as a submission but it’s not allowing me. I submitted it once but wasn’t happy with how I formated it, so I deleted the submission intending to post a new one but now it says I have already submitted…


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