We hope you're all busy finding Orbital Stashes for our first GM Week bounty. Here we have the second, and it's a straightforward one. Though the art of it will be in the execution (somewhat literally). We want you to go out and find one of those pesky GMs and take a screenshot of you with them. And if you feel like some sweet GM Week skins, go kill them afterwards.
The winners will simply be the best photos. That said, if you manage to take a selfie with one of them and then take them out, be sure to send us the killmail. If that's not worthy of bonus points, then we don't know what is.
Three criteria must be met for a valid entry:
Both your ship and the GM's ship must feature in the photo
Both your ship and the GM's ship should be identifiable (you can't show us a pinprick-sized Stratios in the far distance and claim it's a GM)
It must be taken this GM Week. Nothing from 2017 please.
10 available
Pot total
This reward closed to entries at 12:46pm on November 5, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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