No specific entry this week from me sadly... not because we didn't kill stuff - on the contrary we killed loads - but none of the warranted a KOTW entrant imho!
That said, - here is my after action report for what turned out to be a cracker of a week!
The tl;dr for so many fleets was that my Mrs was on holiday, and with nothing to do in the evenings that equates to a fleet every night!
15/11 We kicked of proceedings with FWYW: Fly What You Want
• Round 1 included an assortment of battleships, BCs cruisers and support with a filament into Period Basis
• We encountered a Wolf gang (around a dozen) that was incredibly risk averse, and would not come down to us rolling bubbles, eventually catching some stragglers, killing around 600m piecemeal
• Goons then formed up 5:1 with a mixture of Harpies so we took heavy losses, but had a brawl to the death - we came out isk down, but had great fun in the process.
• We took the chance to regroup and reform and went out for Rd2.
• Rounds 2 saw us form up RR Battle Exeqs, and once again we got a brawl, but 3 vargurs vaporised us pretty quickly
• all in 1.4BN destroyed, and pew pew was had!
16/11 ShrinkWrapped
• incredibly quiet in null tonight as everyone was out in FW space
• Nothing really notable, until Rev caught a gating Providence, which melted incrdibly quickly - alas he was empty
• 5.1BN destroyed
17/11 was a Wheel of [Mis]Fortune fleet
• we rolled the wheel and got kitey cruisers and dessies & support
• yeeted and had a decent run through nullsec until we bumped into the PH standing fleet that was happy to engage (which allowed me to head out on Friday Yarrr!)
• 6.1BN destroyed
18/11 ShrinkWrapped
• Muon suggested heading to the border system where a large fight was occurring
• Content from the off
• We anchored a bubble catching from 2 in gates, and the feed began!
• 158 kills, and 9.7BN destroyed!
• Fleet of the week - with non-stop content right from the word go from once we hit nullsec
ALL IN ALL - 22.3BN isk destroyed, 226 ships destroyed!