Boots on the ground! This is our fourth and final Vanguard First Strike bounty. Our other Vanguard bounties ask you to share feedback, desired features, and visual media. This one, however, is a test of your FPS skills. We want to know who in the Just About EVE community can handle an assault rifle as well as they can handle an assault frigate.
To win this bounty, send us a clip of your most impressive gameplay moment from the Vanguard playtest. It's video-only for this submission, and please keep it under five minutes. If you want to shares streams or screenshots, we have a different bounty for you!
already paid
$15 / 30
This reward closed to entries at 9:48am on December 14, 2023 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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