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EVE Online

EVE Online
Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for entering! Did you have a favourite roam of the month?

FUN INC's avatar

Totally missed your question!

3rd February was a doozy!

There was so much more to this roam than the Roam Report leads you to believe.

We were roaming in Raptors (unsurprisingly for me!) and we stumbled across a Rorqual which we promptly tackled. I knew that one of my close contacts at Spectre Fleet was forming up his 2100 fleet of Laser Pew Pew retributions and support, and that there was a Thera hole relatively close (15hops).

I pinged him and they were 100% down for it so hot footed it towards us. Unfortunately as they got to around 4 hops out from us, a rather large Redeemer fleet (20 black ops battleships) cyno'd onto us, so we reluctantly deaggressed, and got safe. waaaah! :( Anyhow, our scouts noticed that the Redeemers left, but the Rorq just carried on going about his business mining. So as the Redeemers left, we quickly warped down grabbed the target and our friendly Retributions contined to put the Rorq under pressure.

What ensued was a 45 brawl of brawls! - it was great!

Once we got the Rorq to about 80 structure, another cyno went up and a load of caracals and support scythes came through, so i called for the disengagement when the caracals landed (Rapid Light missiles are REALLY bad for raptors!) - so the other FC was going hard for the caracals, so I focussed on killing out of position logi and support ships like dictors and whatnot. We cleared field once, and then they reformed and camped our out gate. We got a fight in the next system - same thing again! & Then we got another fight in the initial system! - a great 45min brawl.

A great fight - a great collab between NPSI groups and super fun!

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