Barghest begone! Kane Carnifex is on a Killmail of the Week (KotW) winning streak at the moment. His latest battleship takedown adds another trophy to his rapidly filling cabinet. Check out the killmail here, then read Kane's description and watch his video below:
"We spotted a Barghest on d-scan in Passari. They're uncommon, so we decided to give them a warm Lowsec welcome. After d-scanning their position, we probed them down within a single cycle - less time for him to become aware of us. He stayed. Our Lachesis warped and began to run him down. Point > DPS > warp > take gate. The rest is just another killmail."
Do you have what it takes to knock Kane off the top spot? This week's KotW is now live:
We'd also like to give a shoutout to EveOnlineTutorials submission, which didn't quite earn first place but is a stylish DED Site clear out. Check it out.
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