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EVE Online

EVE Online
Kane Carnifex's avatar

Through a C13 we found a C2 with, not one but two reinforced Astras.
A Leshak guarded the Frig Hole from the C13 to the C2.

We poked it a little bit, since the timer should come out within 1 hour.
They responded, as we got excited we knew we can only bring Frigates and Dessis.

We called for Retris and Deacons, we only got 3 Deacons, plenty enough of logi or?
Time to laser him.

Leshak swaped to Vargur… why not a Vargur xD

Brother Grimoire's avatar

If I had a nickle for every time a blinged Gila died trying to steal from me, I'd have 2 nickles. Which isn't a lot, it's just weird that it happened twice


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