Mercenary Den
Will be available at the Revenant Lunch.
After the 26.11 this structure will cause Anarchy (Mini Game)
How to use?
Works close like a mobile depot
Need to be attched Skyhook in SOV 0.0 located at a Temperaed Planet.
Will create Encrypted Informorphs which can be tradted for the new Deathless Ships & the new Breacher.
CCP Bee said on Stream which you want to have them UP as long as possible, maybe for weeks to produce even more Encrypted Informorphs.
Completing these Mini Games will reduce Anarchy and increase Development.
There will be a few "operations" available at lunch maybe later more.
Since it is a personal Structure the Mini Game need to be done by your or at least you need to provide the bookmark. You can deploy them everywhere but you also responsible to maintain them.
Preview of the output rate:
85-115/h after ~12-24 Hours of placement
Looks like they are 0,1m³ which means this thing can hold up to 170.000k
Which will take with 115/h around 1478 Hours (this around 2 Month)
So i expect this to scale heavily in the ending.
For the 2388 it would took you with 115/h around 20 Hours.
Jeah, ok but how do you have it for weeks in enemy space?
Reinforcment Timer :)
1 Day at a 6 Hour Jitter
at 25% Resistance
Shield: 500k
Armor: 500k
Hull: 500k
Total EHP: less than 2mill EHP
Will be the size of 3k m³
Anchor Time is 1 Hour.
Since they should operate longer than just a day you will probably place them in border area off enemty 0.0. Do sneaky week of gurilla filamenting and camping.
Or simply place these in you own owned space and protect them.
But it looks like i can´t squeeze it in my cloki loki. Be hold of my shiny Cargo Expanders.
If you want to watch it yourself here is the timestamp from twitch:
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