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EVE Online

EVE Online
Luka Zaharin's avatar

We had a crazy encounter this Saturday. So insane for our group, that I even had to change what video I wanted to submit for this reward!

We wanted to play around with some larger ships and were looking for trouble, when our targets undocked two Vargurs. T2 Battleships are not very frequent in our warzone, so this was a heavy escalation. We joined in and undocked our own Vargur, as well as a Cenotaph, a Navy Potato and two smaller ships. Within two minutes, we managed to kill both Marauders without losing a single one of our five ships, making for a net worth of 4.5b ISK destroyed without any losses on our side.

This is one of the craziest things I have experienced in Eve so far. While these are normal or even tiny numbers in many parts of space, nearly 1b destroyed per pilot within two minutes certainly makes for my own personal record.

Hope you enjoy!

Oh, and before I forget, the two Vargurs were the answer to their first dead Vargur so it even ended up in three (!!!) Vargur killmails for us within 7 minutes!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

The Kundalini Manifest

These kind of PVE Events got added in January 2011 to EVE:Online.
Once you tiggled the incursion enough one Mothership site will spawn.
With killing the mom the event ends and everybody who contributed gets is LP payout.
Don´t let you fool how easy this looks.
Incursion rats are from diffrent world but still before the AI update with the diamond NPCs.

This my first nullsec mom, beside running HS Logi under TDF long ago.
(Remember "'Peace' Large Remote Armor Repairer" xD)

Kill: The Kundalini Manifest (NPC)

Can i have some of these please?
- Lirsautton Parichaya

PS: Duty. is recruting


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