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EVE Online

EVE Online
Kane Carnifex's avatar

Total Valu: 637.026.091,48 ISK

Standing Fleet Chat:

Lumpynurse: XXX Tackled in YQX-7U ~10 peeps

Minutes later over 40 Brave Bravelings come to save the friendly Vargur.
Which... done the most Damage on the BR so maybe more like
" Iam not trapped with you, you trapped with me"

We could secure some nice kill like the Barg for 2.45B.
Therefore we deleted 5B in total and lost little bit less than a billion.

The Video is little bit about what happend and what I actually did there.
So have fun watching it.

Luka Zaharin's avatar

This week we managed to arrange a friendly fight with a battleship. We encountered the pilot during a roam and he wanted to bring his Praxis for a run.

We expected smartbombs and were a bit worried about these strong AoE weapons that would not only force us to apply lower dps due to the range we would have to pull, but also destroy all of our drones, leaving us with only guns to shoot at his tanky vessel. Nevertheless, we decided to take the fight and were rewarded by his Blasterfit.

He put a lot of pressure on our two only logi, but luckily they were flown by two of my best pilots who did a great job in keeping each other alive under extensive neuting and ECM! Great fun!


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