What's the difference between a cruiser and a battlecruiser? No, it's not a joke, it's the prompt for this reward. To win a prize, we want you to make a video explaining ship classes. There are two approaches you might want to take:
Firstly, you could opt to make a video breaking down each of EVE's ship classes. This is the most likely way to win this reward's top prize of $40! Secondly, you could choose just one of the ship classes and do a deep dive.
Whichever you opt for, consider these factors and more:
The most popular, accessible, and/or best-performing ships in each class
The benefits, size, and features of each ship class
How each ship class tends to be used in fleets, combat, and other types of gameplay
We want these videos to be well-made and educational. So we're looking for at least five minutes of quality video with visuals. We've got a bonus $40 prize for the video we're most impressed by.
Pot total
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