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EVE Online

EVE Online
FUN INC's avatar

This is not just a Thanatos kill - this is a Cenotaph and a Thanatos kill in an all out brawl on a station behind enemy lines and we destroyed 14bn! :D

Battle Report Tool

Here is the Thanatos Thanatos | Elcryss | Killmail | zKillboard

Here is the Cenotaph Cenotaph | Frippyy | Killmail | zKillboard

Roaming through Querious we encountered a Thanatos that had fighters on a gate, and was not tethered on the in gate structure. Our combat prober quickly got hit probed and tackled on the Astrahus, and called the fleet in. We were around 5 hops away so best speeded to the engagement, and engaged. During our furious run to the staging system, a Cenotaph undocked and started aggressing our tackle. When we landed the Cenotaph was called as the primary, and we began engaging.

What happened now was a touch amazing - they undocked around a half dozen Osprey Navy Issues (RL OsNIs are a perfect counter to our inty fleet - we were 30 odd in fleet) and so with coordination should have made mincemeat of us - they didn't. We managed to kill x5 OsNIs, and then x2 Praxis, a Retribution, a Hound and then eventually we were back onto the Cenotaph. Once that Died (4+BN) we then shifted over to a Sacrilege, and they just kept on undocking stuff - all this time we still had tackle on the Thanny. A bifrost, a Gnosis, another x4 OsNIs, a vexor, a Domi, a Caracal, a Flycatcher, another OsNI, a Vigil, and eventually the Thanatos! 6.16bn :)

What an absolute amazing fight - nearly 35 minutes! :D

Here is the video...

I have included a bonus Thanatos kill too from last night too - yes we killed two ! :D

Thanatos | Michel VanderWeide | Killmail | zKillboard

ThatGuyToxic's avatar

from my previous kill in the VNI I was gifted a vigilant as such I decided to take it out and see what i could get up to it was an amazing stream and kill


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