Our second-place prize went to last week's victor ThatGuyToxic. But FUN INC claims victory with a roam that turned into a meteoric kill fest, wiping out both of EVE's fancy new pirate ships - the Thanatos and the Cenotaph - and a lot more.
Here's the battle report, the Cenotaph killmail, and the Thanatos killmail. Over to Fun Inc:
"Roaming through Querious we encountered a Thanatos that had fighters on a gate, and wasn't tethered on the in-gate structure. Our combat prober quickly got hit, probed, and tackled on the Astrahus, and called the fleet in. We were around five hops away so speeded to the engagement. During our furious run to the staging system, a Cenotaph undocked and started aggressing our tackle. When we landed, the Cenotaph was called as the primary, and we engaged.
"What happened next was a touch amazing. They undocked around a half dozen Osprey Navy Issues (RL OsNIs are a perfect counter to our inty fleet; we were 30 odd in fleet) and so with coordination, they should have made mincemeat of us, but they didn't. We managed to kill five OsNIs, and then two Praxis, a Retribution, a Hound, and then eventually we were back on the Cenotaph. Once that died (over four billion ISK), we then shifted over to a Sacrilege, and they just kept on undocking stuff - all this time we still had tackle on the Thanny. A Bifrost, a Gnosis, another four OsNIs, a Vexor, a Domi, a Caracal, a Flycatcher, another OsNI, a Vigil, and eventually the Thanatos! Over six billion!
"What an absolute amazing fight - nearly 35 minutes! Here's the video..."
It'll be a hard one to beat! But give it a shot. Our latest Kill of the Week is now live:
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