One of the most exciting new additions in Farming Simulator 25 is more varied and extreme weather events. With hailstorms and the much-heralded twisters joining fog, snow, and heavy rain, there's more meteorological menace in FS25 than ever before.
For this reward, we want you to:
Record and submit a video clip of an extreme weather event in FS25
And tell us either in voiceover or in writing 1) how it can threaten or affect your farm, and 2) what players should do about it
This reward is partly about recording exciting footage - look at that snow! Look at all the spooky fog! - and partly about practical advice. Other than pray and repair the damage, is there anything players can do to handle a twister? In which surprising ways can heavy rain damage your crops?
Video submissions must be made through connected social media, and we'd love it if you tagged us and included the hashtags #JustAbout and #FarmingSimulator25!
12 available
Pot total
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