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Film & TV
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Part One inspired me to read the novel and it's one of the best books I've ever read. Unfortunately I couldn't say the same for the sequel which, despite being much shorter, I have found a real chore to get through. It's been sitting half finished on my bedside table for about a year now!

I think Villeneuve did a great job, but I do miss some of the weirdness from the Lynch film and also felt like he brushed over some very important plot points. Still, I love the way the sandworms and the thopters look in the film and I'm very excited to see Part Two on Friday!


The books don't flow the same way the spice flows. I read the Dune book as well as a pair of the ones by Brian Herbert / Kevin J. Anderson, started the Dune Messiah but it was always... hard... like the writing didn't flow... the Brian Herbert / Kevin J. Anderson are a bit better but still not comparable to books by other authors, even Kevin J. Anderson own The Saga of the Seven Suns (on the 5th out of 7, plus sequel) flows nicely, strange as it can be.

In my opinion, the Villeneuve films (at least the first, I've yet to see the second) do a good work of bringing a book into visual, with all the limitations that apply but without being as "hard" as the books are.

The David Lynch movie was a classic attempt at doing a lot without budgets nor direction ending into an half baked attempt.

The games, be it digital or tabletop, are games, they don't tell a story the same way a film or a book do because their goal is to make you play, which is different. Not saying they are bad (in fact, I wish I could try the tabletops and if I'll have a chance to play the upcoming digital one I will try it), just they cannot be compared to Villeneuve films or the books themselves.


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